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Thursday, June 27, 2013

Already Equipped

Have you ever felt called to do something, start something, or step out into a new direction? 

All of us have been challenged beyond our ability more than once in our lives, and If you haven’t, I challenge you to step out of your comfort zone. 

Over the past couple of months, I’ve been challenged in ways I never thought possible. I've been bent, stretched, ridiculed, belittled and so much more. In that time, I could feel my character being stretched and new vision being placed in my heart.

New vision and direction . . . Exciting right?

You would think.

  For some reason, my initial reaction to a new call or direction is fear. 
I try to explain to God just how unqualified I am. 
How I couldn't possibly know how to do this or that.
Where to even start!

As if He didn’t already know.

When I start dwelling in fear and giving the devil a foothold, he has a field day. He holds me in that place of fear, paralyzing me so instead of moving forward in what God has for me, I stay crouching, hiding behind my insecurities and excuses.

With this new call to write again, I am uncertain of how I’m supposed to get it done. Is it a blog series, book, teaching lesson? Who knows? All I know is that if God has called me to it, I’d better put pen to paper.

This past Saturday as I pondered on what I was supposed to include in this new project, I felt God telling me to go read my Bible. Now I have to be honest, that was a totally random thought for me. I was in the process of sweeping the hallway floor in the middle of the day. 

Didn’t God know that my Bible reading time was in the morning and before bed? 
There was a house to clean!

Feeling the persistence in my spirit to go read my Bible, I became excited at the thought of God revealing something new to me. It was time to highlight away!
 As I cracked open the crisp pages, they fell to a verse I’d already read, highlighted, savored.  There highlighted in yellow was a scripture that has repeated in my heart and mind ever since marking it over two years ago:

Matthew 2:6

“And you, O Bethlehem in the land of Judah, are not least among the ruling cities of Judah, for a ruler will come from you who will be the shepherd for my people Israel.”

What a beautiful promise. 

Although this scripture is referring to Jesus Christ, the Savior that was coming to die for all man-kind, God was showing us that although Bethlehem was considered unworthy, lowly and unqualified, He was going to do something amazing through their little city.

He was going to exalt the insignificant, the overlooked, the lowly.

Invigorated, I continued to flip through my Bible as the highlighted verses leapt off the page at me; all telling a beautiful story that someday I’ll hopefully get to share with each of you. 

I don’t know in what form it will come, but I know it will.

And as I returned to my house work, I heard God whisper in my heart . . .

“I’ve already equipped you for what I’ve called you to.”

What an awesome reassurance. 

You see, while I was stuck in worrying about the "how," 

God wanted to show me that He's been creating a road map for the words He wanted me to share with His daughters over a long period of time. Let me reassure you, I'm nothing special. God works in all of us and has been preparing each and every one of you from a young age for what He would call you to.

So what are you waiting for?

What has God been equipping you for?
Will you step into it and believe that He will guide you?

1 comment:

  1. WOW I have truly been blessed and invigorated by the words that God gave you. Continue to hear and Obey God because he is and will reward you greatly.
