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Monday, October 15, 2012

Take the Leap!

Happy Fall my fellow Virtue readers!

Since my last article, I've conquered motherhood (sort of), went back to working full-time, started re-editing my novel, enrolled in graduate work, and have been trying to catch up on sleep. Nevertheless, I'm more than excited to be back. After a plethora of "Where the heck are you?" tweets, emails, and facebook messages . . . Here I am. : )

As I contemplated my next article, the idea of taking a leap kept coming to mind. 

I know usually these types of inspirational articles are reserved for New Years resolutions, but I decided to share a little inspiration anyway.

So many times in life, we're so afraid to take the next step. To start that new adventure, business, club, or maybe even career. No matter how qualified we may actually be, (or even unqualified) we psyche ourselves out before we really ever give anything a try. 

Becoming a mom has really pushed me to my limits; daring me to do things I would have never thought I could do. But with all those sleepless nights, spit-up stained blouses, and piles of dirty bottles, it's pushed me to want to do more. To step out of my comfort zone and take the leap into something new.

If not for myself, than for my son and my husband.

You see when fear stops us in our tracks, we just need to find that one thing that will be our motivating factor.

Take some time and make a list of the things you would like to accomplish. After you've accomplished that, write down what's stopping you from taking the leap to get there. Most of the time the answer will be ourselves.

Now's the time to stop holding yourself back.
Come join me in this new season!

Take a leap!! 


  1. I really like your blog dear!
    Keep up with the good work! ;)


  2. I've already got quite the list of things to do!

    Amanda Rose

  3. Good luck in all that your strived to do. Glad to see you were inspired to write a post. It truly have been a long time.

  4. new to your blog, glad to be following along now:)
    i, too am editing my first novel! it's such a huge/exciting/stressful/crazy thing! but isn't it all fun?
    looking forward to future posts!

    1. Hi Morgan! Thanks for stopping by. You'll definitely have to keep my updated on your novel. It truly is a process.

  5. Wow you are a BUSY woman!!!! Glad to see you back. I can't wait to see what you have in store =)

    - Sarah

  6. Welcome back beautiful momma!! We've missed you!!! :D

    1. Thank you Yuli! It's been way too long. : )

    2. Welcome back, girlie! So glad to see u & up and "writing again" :)!
      So here's to happy writings!!!
      from your#1 fan
      It was worth the wait.....

  7. Vonae!!! Glad to have you back!! Sounds like you have been busy!! Loving this post! Definitely need to make that list--and I already know I just need to have faith and take the leap!


  8. Great blog, would you like to follow each other?

